Monday, October 22, 2012

Half Term Break - Day 1

One of the benefits of teaching in the UK system is definitely these half-term breaks!  I officially have two weeks off to rest, relax and get prepared for the next half-term.  In addition to the forementioned, I will also be organzing and furnishing a house and all the adventures included in that.

Unlike over the summer, where timetables were not finalized, I now know the classes I will be teaching and the students (or most of the students) enrolled in them.  Now, I can use some of my time off to get all of my planning and class ideas completed, on paper and prepared before the next half-term begins.  Hopefully, if all goes as planned, I will be able to get fully prepared and planned until Christmas, then I can use time during the half-term to get ready for after the holidays. 

So, here is my to-do list for the break:
1) Organize my new flat so that it is livable (right now there is no large furniture in it except the bed)
2) Catch-up on all of my marking (this is complete, except for one class-set of books!)
3) Prepare all lesson plans for my ten classes from now until Dec 21st
4) Have all lesson plans and class documents organized for inspection (occurring after the term break)
5) Have at least one lesson a week (for classes I see three times a week) and one less every two weeks (for classes I see twice a week) that goes up and beyond the regular "explanation then worksheet" set-up.
6) Decorate my flat!

Yes, it is quite the large list, but as I have two weeks and nothing but whatever I feel like that day planned, I think (and hope) it is do-able.  I will update you all on how it goes!

As Day 1 is coming to an end here is what I have accomplished:
- Caught up on sleep (even though my alarm went off as if I was getting up to go to school!)
- Domino's Pizza tastes just like home :)

- Marked one set of class tests
- Began initial/rough planning for one of ten classes

Not much, but hopefully tomorrow will be more productive!

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